
Brand Audit/Usage & Attitude/Customer Satisfaction Measurement in 10 Cities for copier paper brands for a leading paper manufacturing company.


  • Brand awareness (unaided/aided), Brand recall, perception of the brand
  • Usage attitudes & preferences, Price-sensitivity & branding, availability of various brands, market potential, competition etc.


  • Extent: 10 major cities across India, Survey of 450 consumers, 450 jobbers and 450 retailers


  • Came to know about brand perception, market share and stand in the market, attitude of different respondent-category, different promotional activities of competitors, etc.


  • Have started so many promotional/advertising activities based on our recommendations.

Feasibility of venturing into coated/laminated fabrics used in shoe uppers in sport shoes for a leading manufacturing company.


  • Testing the feasibility of getting into the business of shoe-upper fabrics.
  • Suggesting strategy on product-mix, market-mix & distribution.


  • Data collection through different secondary sources.
  • In-Depth interviews of various stake-holders of shoe-industry as well as industry experts.


  • Came to know about Market-size, Potential in the market and associated growth rate
  • Identified right product-mix, market-mix and critical success factors in the business.

Expense-Reduction In Administrative Overheads for a Rs 3000-Cr company


  • To reduce by 10% administrative overheads, which included traveling, conveyance, employee transportation, communication, insurance, airport services, printing & stationery, employee welfare, legal & professional, security & housekeeping, etc.


  • Strategic Thinking, Suppliers research, Negotiation tricks, Innovations in purchases of goods & services, etc.


  • Reduction in administrative overheads by 10% within 3 months of commencement of assignment.

Feasibility study for a leading company on low cost housing using Ferro Cement technology


  • The feasibility of low cost housing using Ferro Cement technology.


Covered around 27 villages across India in 10 states.

  • Consumers – 2000
  • Small & Local Contractors
  • Govt. Agencies and Micro finance Institutions


  • Identification of MFIs.
  • Identification of prospective areas.
  • Market-sizing, segmentation etc.


  • Client have already put the project into inception.

Brand Audit for a leading financial services in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Lucknow

Assess the feedback of various parameters:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Recall
  • Perception Of brand


Survey Includes

  • Retail Consumers
  • High Net worth Individuals and Corporates


  • Awareness of Brand.
  • Key Ares of Improvement.
  • Segments to be more focused.


After Implementing the deliverables provided by us,

  • They have increased brand awareness thru more ad spend.
  • Considered as a more recognized brand.

Reduction in Raw Material Cost for an organization in MSME Sector


  • This company purchases agriculture commodity as raw material, amounting to Rs 200 Crores per annum. They wanted to reduce their raw material cost as finished goods prices were under pressure


  • Scientific tools were used to find out right time of repeat buying
  • Strategic thinking was used to innovate changes in buying process
  • Linear programming method to project right use of raw material
  • Least-cost producers of raw material were identified, approached & negotiated
  • Some channel partners were eliminated


3% reduction in raw material cost could be achieved, amounting to a saving of Rs 6 Cr per annum.

Market-Opportunities Study For A Leading Fine Counts Spinning Unit


  • Company bottom-line was negative. Engaged us to find out new product-mix, market-mix and customer-mix.


  • 70 countries were covered in secondary data based research.


  • Markets identified- Japan, Korea, Italy & a few others
  • More profitable Product-mix identified.

Reduction in Logistics Cost for a company with annual turnover of Rs 4000 Cr


  • Company imports raw materials, exports finished products as well as sells them in the domestic market. Total logistics cost for the company was almost Rs 100 crores.


  • Least-cost logistics companies were identified, approached & negotiated with.
  • Consolidation of logistics service providers was done to have only 3 of them, which resulted in reduction of freight charges.
  • In-depth data analysis helped change routes as well as mode of travel.


About 5% reduction in overall logistics cost could be achieved, amounting to a saving of Rs 5 Cr per annum

Business Research For An Export Promotion Council, Govt. of India


  • To find out why India is week in PC fabrics exports & to advise all industry-level measures to bring it up.


  • Secondary data collection.
  • Primary data collection (Qualitative survey of 100 respondents from the sector value-chain in north, south and west India).


  • Council came to know that India is strong in some product category in PC but very weak in a few other dominant categories, for which, we recommended special efforts on the part of the industry.